Environmental CSR Greens Your Company

Environmental CSR Greens Your Company

30 Nov 2021

CSR is an abbreviation of Corporate Social Responsibility which means a corporate responsibility in social to stakeholders that consist of 3P (People, Planet, Profit). Usually, companies that have CSR have diverse work programs that spread across various fields, which have goals to reduce social, health, or environmental damage that occur on the planet. One of the fields of CSR is the environment. Environmental CSR is contributing a significant role, not only just as a medium to greening the company’s brand. 

CSR is not only limited to the concept of providing social support to the environment damaged by disasters or to the underprivileged community, but it also includes how the culture of a company treats its employees to maintain a good relationship. 

CSR is a representation of a company towards:

  • People (social welfare)
  • Planet (environmental sustainability around the company located)
  • Profit (long-term benefit)

CSR regulated under UU No.47 Th.2007 about Limited Company. The obligation of providing CSR is limited to companies or companies whose business activities are related to natural resources.

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The Role of Environmental CSR as a Form of Greening the Company's Image

Company Social Responsibility is easier with Ecolify!

CSR programs related to the environment under UU No.32 Th.2009 about Environment Protection and Management which emphasize every business person has the following obligations: 

  • Providing accurate and real-time information regarding environment protection and management. 
  • Maintaining environment sustainability around the company located 
  • Complying with every environmental regulation around the company located

For a company, has a CSR Environmental Progam is important to minimize the negative impact of production, which is as follows: 

  • Air Pollution

Severals company production process cause air pollution which can harm society. Such secondhand smoke could be inhaled continuously by people around and causes respiratory problems. A company should have a mission to invent a product with a production process that minimizes the release of carbon dioxide into the air so that the company’s existence will be more friendly towards the environment and the surrounding community. 

  • Soil Pollution 

The land around the factory generally has been polluted by toxic waste from production process materials affected soil fertility and agricultural activities. A company should have a strategy in reducing pollution likewise, prepare a certain area for the disposal of production waste or process production residues into recyclable. 

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  • Water Pollution 

Companies remove production residues in nearby waters, such as rivers, lakes, or the sea. Residues turn waters to harmful and could kill organisms and aquatic habitats like fish and coral reefs. There are two ways to minimalize water pollution by company production waste. First, doing non-technical countermeasures by regulating laws to limit industrial activities around the waters. Second, technical countermeasures such as installing filters around factory disposal sites. 

The role of environmental CSR certainly provides excellent benefits for a company. By managing Natural Resources very well, the company will receive a good image from the consumer point of view. For investors, a company that cares environment is considered low risk and benefits the investor who is considering long-term investments in the company. 

Companies that have Environmental CSR can minimize environmental and social conflicts around the company. Moreover, Environmental CSR also increases cooperation with stakeholders and differentiates from other companies because every environmental CSR has a distinctive work program. (Intan Widianti Kartika Putri/ Ecolify)

Ecolify is an environment conservation platform that will connect companies, communities, organizations, brands, and individuals to green Indonesia together sustainably and transparency. We are always open to collaboration to improve corporate responsibilities. So let’s green Indonesia together because earth deserves the best recovery starts from us. https://ecolify.org

Translated by Irene Angelina


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